Back in May, my Great Uncle Lincoln visited San Antonio with a senior group from Atlanta, where he lives. They were just taking a trip.
Lincoln is my Dad's Mother's oldest brother. The oldest of 13. He obviously has a huge family with lots of nieces, nephews, great nieces, and great nephews. He's had some amazing accomplishments in his life. He's a military vet where he got some type of award, a teacher, writer, researcher....many things that I don't even know about. He also keeps track of the family address book. He's amazing and the best part is....he's 92 years old.
I hadn't seen him since I was 8 years old at my Aunt's wedding. When I was 5 or 6 he took the time to visit us when we lived in Casper, WY. I remember him coming to the museum and ice skating rink with us there. I remember him knowing a lot of information and being a lot of fun.
He made sure to get my cell phone number before leaving Georgia to come to San Antonio. He called ahead of time to check my schedule. He was very excited about visiting me. Me, a distant family member he hadn't seen in over 16 years.
They stayed on the other end of town. Scott, Zachary and I tried to visit on a Wednesday night at his hotel but his bus had broken down on their day trip touring and we missed each other that night. I got to see him the next night without Scott and Zachary which was disappointing, but that's the way it worked. They were staying about 30 mins from our house. I had forgotten the banana bread I had baked for him.
He was so excited to see me and he had his camera ready the minute I walked in to get a picture together. We had coffee together and we talked for over a couple of hours. The time went by fast and I could have talked to him all night. He's very oriented, funny, and interesting. He's had so many adventures in life. He remembered details about his visit to our house in Casper so many years ago. He also remembered details about the trip he took to my mother's classroom two years before. Her class had written him letters asking questions about his accomplishments in life. He was so excited he flew down to Houston. That night, he was hoping to see Zachary but it had been so late and hadn't worked out. They were leaving the next day in the morning.
He is so inspiring to me in so many ways. He's in his 90s yet is so active and full of life. He still loves to go dancing! Who says you're too old to keep going? He makes an effort to keep up with technology. He is excited about learning. He showed persistence in his accomplishments. And he knows the importance of family.
When we were talking he said multiple times that he thought family was so important. He talked about keeping up with the family directory and knew where so many of us lived. He said we always have each other no matter how far. Some families are not necessarily blood-related, but they've chosen to be there for each other and call each other family. He had made the effort to find me during his short visit to our city, sit with me, and reconnect.
The next day I decided to drive back up with Zachary and catch their bus before leaving. I brought that banana bread I had forgotten and best of all he got to see his 5th generation...Zachary. We got a great picture of that one! My grandmother was so excited that her brother had gotten to see us. I know my parents wish they could have been there also.
Family can be an amazing part of life. People we get together with to reunite and celebrate. People to share good times with during holidays and important events. Those we have to keep us going and fall back on in time of need. I guess in family we have our differences, but sometimes that's what makes family life so fun and interesting. Those differences also can allow us to help each other out. We somehow learn to work together through those and know each other on a deep level after coming together time after time. I guess even if it's been years and years, it's not too late.
Family, I miss ya'll a lot but I think of you often.