Saturday, April 30, 2011

Doggie and Da da

Our sweet little girl is figuring out language again! When she sees or hear Sandy she says da da. And when she sees or hears Scott she says da da or da ta! I'll have to attempt at getting this on video. I love to see her become so sweet towards Scott. She's following Zachary to the garage door when they hear him come home. She reaches toward him a lot to go see him.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Here is our dog, Sandy. Although this day he was not worthy of his name, Sandy. He didn't have his beautiful sandy color nor did he have sand pieces stuck to him as he sometimes does. He was obviously covered from head to tail in dirt. Wet dirt. So this day his name was Dirty.

Adelyn is 1

I'm 1 now! Mama finally published my pictures! Mama didn't you know I've been 1 for over a month now?

Here's my first birthday party. Mama and Dada said it was the fastest birthday party they've ever given.
Trying it out


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This house is becoming famous for having a standing fort 24/7. Not the same one all of the time of course. They randomly pop up here and there. In the living room and the game room have been the most popular. Boxes and sheets are great toys.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leading the Choir at Church

The other day Zachary and I were playing house. We pretended it was Saturday and had breakfast, lunch, nap time, dinner, sea world, bath and bedtime. And then it was Sunday. So we had breakfast and then hauled the 8 animals and 7 babies to church.

The large penguin was our priest and wore a Super Why cape. The altar was a turned over drawer from the plastic drawer set for the kitchen toys. And we also had a potato on a plate and a shiny square box for the chalice.

Our little stuffed skunk sat on a box for the ambo and read out of a book. Zachary was the choir director. He sang, "Glory to God in the heartest and peace to his people on earth". And then he couldn't remember the other songs so he sang it again. At that point I suppose he knew he needed to sing something different so he belted out "Mercury! Venus! Earth!..."from the cd Here Comes Science by They Might Be Giants. Which was still completely relevant I thought! After that he sang Happy Birthday, the ABCs, and one more popular selection.

What a great choir director!!! And the cutest one I've ever seen.