Thursday, January 23, 2014

Finally Learned to French Braid

I finally learned a skill that I wore on my head as a kid several times a week and that I've watched everyone else around me do. Enter French Braid.  In some ways as a kid I was "girly" but when it came to fashion, I just had to be comfortable enough to run around on the field at recess.  My mother often enjoyed making French braids in my hair several times a week to my detriment because then I had to sit there with my tender head for the 5-10 minutes it took her to make it.  They always looked beautiful but when I hit about age 11 I said "no more".  It was too much effort in the morning and it was too "girly" for me at that time.  

As a mom, however, I do think it looks cool on my daughter's head and it helps her hair to not come undone which we do have problems with after making pony tails. After my neighbor made a simple one for her one day I decided maybe it was time I figured out how to make it. I could have opened up Youtube but I was too lazy to pull out my computer while doing her hair.  Instead I tried to remember back to childhood and what in the world Mom was doing back there while I sat on the stool reading.  She never started with much hair at all so I tried to add as I went on Adelyn.  Finished product is above. 

I Love Music and Art!

My name is Adelyn. I love a lot of things and music and art are two of them. 

 I found a song that is fun to dance to!  

I love to paint! I am always excited when Mommy makes that suggestion. 

My leaf project! I have been asking to do this for a long time!

I want to play guitar like Mommy!  

Adelyn's Gymnastics Beginnings

I love gymnastics!! Every Monday Mommy takes me to gymnastics play time.  I look forward to it all week long. We get to climb and tumble along an obstacle course, jump down the long trampoline, jump on the regular sized trampolines, hang on the rings, walk across the balance beam, play on the bars, hula-hoop, and launch ourselves into the pit!  After we are finished we get stamps on our feet.  Sometimes my friends Isabella and Vanna come too. There I am up on the bar!  Can you do this too?? Warning: This activity is A LOT of fun.