It's Christmas Eve and today was a very peaceful and relaxing day. Acceptance really makes all the difference in the world. I took my time eating/listening to music, praying and getting myself ready for the day. I did yoga and relaxed with a good book and was plenty entertained until lunch arrived. It's nice also knowing how to take myself on and off the monitor. I enjoyed my guitar for a couple of hours this afternoon. I'm going to make a lot of progress if I keep practicing this much. Something I've not made time for between my home duties and work. There were some carolers who came by today too. It was nice to hear the cheerful sounds of "Hark the Harold" in the hallway which is one of my favorite Christmas carols.
I was grateful that my dad's plane from Lafayette/Houston made it in this afternoon. There was some rainy weather and a delayed plane coming in to take him. But even though the flight was late he made it to the hospital by 5:15 or so. He arrived safe and sound without many problems and he got to spend time with his family there. Mom, Scott, Zachary and Marilyn made it here about 6:30 and we had a wonderful meal that they brought and opened our presents while listening to Christmas music. The atmosphere was beautiful and the nurse loaned us a cart to help bring things in. I didn't know I would enjoy my Christmas Eve this much at the hospital.
My nursing staff has been wonderful to me and I'm thankful for their positive spirits each day, especially on Christmas Eve.
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