Thursday, March 04, 2010

Isn't this the Cutest Thing?

Well since we're preparing to have a baby and all, I put a lot of emphasis on how Zachary was once my baby and was inside my tummy and had "Mommy Milk" and all of that so he knows that I once did all of these things for him too. And then I always say, "and now you're a big boy so you can help and do big boy things like play with trains, ride scooters, etc".

Zachary found a picture of him from when he was about 1 or 2 weeks old. He's sleeping in the bassinet in a sleeper and a blanket pulled up half way with his arms above his head. He very excitedly said, "Look Mommy! I was a baby once! I slept in that bed! And I drank Mommy milk! And now I'm a big boy!". He said it all with so much enthusiasm.

And to conclude his sweet acknowledgment he then pointed to his picture and said, "Isn't this the cutest thing?"

1 comment:

Becky said...

LOL, that is so sweet. I have done the same thing with my kids, telling them that I once did all these things for them when they were a baby. I especially do that with Jack since he is the oldest. He LOVES it and I think it really helps them. We also have a rule that they are allowed at any time to come up and ask for Mommy time and they get it. With either book or a long cuddle. You are dong such a great job. I think Zachary will be totally fine with the baby transition and he will be an awesome big brother, no doubt!