Thursday, July 01, 2010

New Braunfels Children's Museum

Getting practice in so I can be ready for the lake!

Cooking the fish that Meredith and I caught at the campfire. You don't really eat it. It's just pretend.

This was one of my favorite stations at the museum!

The ATM gave me some money! I gave it some money too which confused Daddy and I don't know why.

Checking vitals.

I was pretty good at this one because I help Mommy every week at HEB.

Mommy checked my groceries.

I explored my artistic side.

I think Adelyn had a good time. She stayed awake some and slept some too.

The Children's Museum was a great experience. I did lots of exploring and stimulated both hemispheres of my brain.

Even Mommy and Daddy had a good time!

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