Thursday, April 26, 2012

I did it!

Adelyn is now using small sentences! In this video she says, "I did it!"

I noticed for a few weeks now that she would say, "hi Mommy, hi Zat ee, hi Daddy, No Mommy, otay Mommy". It occurred to me a couple of days ago that she was saying, "I did it!" and "I got it!". 

Yay Baby Girl! We are proud of you and your brother!

Pony Tails

Guess who finally let me put her hair in a pony tail? She even wore one to school.  Yesterday I got a bow in her hair for school!! Wow!  She started letting me put ponytails in when I showed her that I had one. She is even asking for them at night to go to sleep! We'll work on pig tails next. 

Zachary's First Season of T-ball

Zachary's First Season of T-Ball.  
Zachary had been wanting to try t-ball since the end of last summer. T-ball season finally rolled around and we decided to sign him up on our church league so that he would possibly know other kids on the team for his first season. We also figured it would be a good place to start in case he did not care for the sport.  It turns out that he loves it.  He initially was a little nervous about the first practice since it was something new and he did not know who he was going to see.  At the end of that practice he asked why it was already over and if it could be longer. Great sign!  He was also a little anxious about the first game but once there he again enjoyed himself although it did take a couple of games for the kids to get the hang of it. Zachary's biggest strength so far is batting.  

Here are some photos of the t-ball fun so far.

Lining up at the first practice to run the bases.

High fives at each base!

Learning to get those ground balls.

First time up to bat at the first practice.  (And he smacked it a little past the pitcher).

First game at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton playing first base.

Baseball ready at first base! Zachary also played pitcher and got two outs at home plate.

On deck at the first game.

At bat!

Back to practice

2nd game which took place at St. Francis. First game to have the official uniform. He picked number 5!

Practice before the game.

Supporting Sister at the St. Luke's field (3rd game)

At bat! Had two good hits this game!

Good game!

After the St. Luke's Game

Zachary hitting the ball at the game against St. Luke's

Running to home plate. The other team had a player run and touch the plate but he didn't have the ball!

Monday, April 09, 2012

April Miller Children Report

Miller Children Report

Our family's interest in airplanes and space is showing in Zachary.  A couple of weeks ago he was putting his coins back in his piggy bank.  As he dropped each one in he said, "Thanks gravity".

Adelyn is now in a toddler bed.  She likes it so much she usually stays in at nap time and bed time.  We have also resorted to keeping a stack of books by her bed to assist in the falling asleep process.  Seems to work well. Mommy just has to go removed them from underneath her after she falls asleep.

Adelyn has also figured out how to turn the door knobs. I suppose we need to place our child proof handles on the doors now.  It's very cute hearing her try to get out of her room in the morning. Sometimes it takes a few tries but she figures it out.

Here is a conversation from Scott and Zachary this past week.
Scott: Here is your dollar for the week.
Zachary: One dollar? ( as if he didn't know)
Scott: Yes one dollar per week.  That's what me and mom decided to give you for your allowance.
Zachary: Do you think when I get older we could speed it up a bit?

Today I told Zachary that Adelyn was sleeping in my room for her nap. That apparently was the strangest thing he had heard all day because he said, "You've got to be kidding me!"

About a month ago my mom was trying to tell Zachary a story.  She apparently was not going fast enough because he told her, "cut to the chase Gramsie!"