Thursday, October 29, 2009


I just love when little kids ask you to sculpt something for them. Especially when it's something way out of your league like an owl or power tools. My owl that I made at my friend Mollie's house turned out to be more like a bat and that was confirmed when she suggested that that's what it looked like. I guess it's at least good that it looked like something with wings instead of a dinosaur or something. Or an abstract design with two circles :)

We have not yet gotten to the stage where I'm being asked to carve shapes and animals in a sandwich. A friend I have here in San Antonio was asked to carve a hamster in a ham sandwich. I hope that day doesn't come :) Zachary's going to be disappointed. I think I can handle the basic, triangle, square, rectangle....rhombus might be pushing it.

On a side note, that pentel brand eraser sure is living up to it's standards of erasing crayon from just about anything. You might want to stock up on that or add it to your registry if you are pregnant :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pregnancy Irritations

I guess it's nice that you do forget all of the physical irritations we get while being pregnant. The sickness is so much better this trimester.

I thought the tiredness was getting better, but uh... the past 2 weeks have just been crazy! Sometimes when I put Zachary to bed at 7:30 I go sit on the couch and before I know if I've fallen asleep until 8:30 or 9. And then I'm struggling to wake up to do something productive or for me before bed.

At that point I'm too tired to do my stretches which I NEED to do every day or my legs just hurt especially after I wake up in the morning. It's hard to do unless I do it in the morning when my legs are still stiff, at naptime when I have millions of other things to do or at night when I'm falling asleep. So I guess it's just hard to do! Someone call me and make me do it!

The sciatic nerve hurts too if I don't stretch. That's just plain annoying. It's not unbearable. Just an annoyance that creeps into the routine of doing things. Especially cooking while I'm standing up. Bring out the cooking stool!

The last thing I can currently think of is the random aches you suddenly feel or the soreness of stretching in the hips, lower back or lower stomach area. I'm thinking my previous epiziotamy (how do you spell this procedure??) had something to do with some soreness of now stretching out again. Bring out the cooking stool!

Oh well. These things aren't unbeareable or things that make me non-functioning. Oh, well, I guess sleeping kindof does that. Maybe, doesn't make me unavailable to the routine during the day. It's dealable. I'm still very excited about the next baby although nervous about the first two weeks. I know it will be more difficult having two instead of one (I very much admire my friends that are able to do everything with multiple children) but I was such a disaster after Zachary was born for a few months that I don't see how this next baby could make my life that crazy again. And I already know how to nurse, change diapers, make a schedule, puree foods...I know more people's easier somewhat right??

Zachary is very excited. I'm expecting some out of character actions when the baby comes...just because I'm not convinced that all jealousy will be put aside, but he does ask when it's "coming out" and he talks about playing with it and helping me. He loves Baby Theodore and doesn't seem to mind as much when I hold him. I guess we shall see!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Riding My Tricyle!

A Perspective from Zachary

Hey this tricycle is pretty fun! I figured out how to use the petals. You push on them and then you can go! Sometimes I have to push from the ground first. I'm very good at going down hill. We go down a small hill to the mailboxes and sometimes we go to Grandma Marilyn's house. She always gives me cranberry grape juice, a special treat cuz Mommy and Daddy never give me any. After I have my juice, play with my work bench, and do a puzzle, we go back home to cook dinner. We have to go up the hill to get home so Mommy helps boost me up the hill. Sometimes I think about getting off before we get home but Mommy never seems to be interested in carrying my tricycle the rest of the way home so I get back on and ride with her helping me. You can watch me below!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Why this blog title and our new blog!

I think some people are slightly curious as to why I chose this blog title back in the day a couple of years ago. Here's why.

Scott and I had some discussion when I was pregnant with Zachary about job titles at work. He has the title "research engineer" at Southwest. I thought it sounded cool and wanted one for myself as well. Although I do have my title as "music therapist" which is nice and I'm glad to have it with the nice letters MT-BC I was hoping for one for my other career at home as well. (Some people have this idea that as music therapists we are experts in selecting nice music and playing it while doing some type of guided imagery or discussion to make people happy about life. Or think that we give happy music lessons. And this problem is a whole other blog posting itself but anywho...)

So aside from "music therapist" Scott and I thought of all of the names of stay at home moms: "Stay at home mom", "House wife", "home maker"... and came up with a few more.

"Domestic Engineer"- (I think this is Aunt Ann's title)
"House Engineer"
"House Researcher"
"House Professional"
"Domestic Professional"

I liked that last one the best with a "specialization in research and development". So that's what I went him.

Domestic Professional: Research and Development :)

I, in no way, thought of myself as an actual "expert" or "professional" at this field being a newly wed and now pregnant with my first child. And I'm still not...with a two year old and pregnant with my second child. We haven't raised a child to adulthood yet. I know that I still have much I can learn from others about parenting and living life. I just like the sound of the job title.

My friends and I are beginning to do "Tot School" with our toddlers at home. Sometimes we get together to do projects and we definitely share ideas. Tot school is having fun at home and learning at the same time. We chose a theme each week and base our activities, songs, crafts, and field trips based on that theme. To read more about our tot school at the miller house check out:

This new blog will be for the tot schooling activities. Other adventures of Zachary growing and my thoughts will still be at this blog.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Fun Being Silly

My Mom and Zachary have this joke going. He likes to tease her that the Tahoe she drives is "Pa-pa's car" instead of her car (Gramsie's car). Every time he rides in it he tells her, "Pa-pa's car!" and then giggles very cute like.

He decided to tease me about the cars that Scott and I each usually drive as well. He told me the Honda today was "Daddy's car".

So we continued our jokes with other topics throughout the days. After I picked him up from Mom's day out on Thursday, October 1st he said in all seriousness to review our day, "Mommy picked me up". I agreed with him and said that yes, he was correct. But then he started in with the teasing again and said, "Daddy picked me up". I put on my silly voice and said, "no silly! Daddy didn't pick you up". And then I threw in a "Sandy picked you up!". He just giggled and then I said, "No that's silly. Sandy can't drive". And he looked at me with a very serious face to agree with me and said, "Sandy doesn't have any fingers!".

Well...he's right. I guess that's a very good reason we don't teach dogs to drive. Smart boy!