Thursday, February 23, 2012

Painting you say? I can Help!

Last week we were planning to go visit my parents.  Mom has been trying to get a train theme going in the kids room that they stay in.  Zachary asked to talk to her on the phone before we hit the road.  Mom apologized to him because she had not gotten to paint the room yet.  Zachary was totally cool with that. In fact he said, "that's okay Gramsie. I can help you...I have lots of finger paints I can bring". Glad his sweet thoughts were on working together and using time wisely. :)

Scott posted the below conversation on facebook tonight.

Conversation with my son tonight:

Me: Zachary, let's read one word tonight.
Zachary: No, I don't want to!
Me: Do you want to learn to read by yourself?
Zachary: Yes.
Me: Well, it's not going to happen by magic. You need to practice your words.
Zachary: But, I want it to happen by magic!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Words our baby girl is saying! Glad she started talking more (even though she had about 20 signs around Thanksgiving...which would have made her 20 months).

Ah EE- Zachary
Nana- banana
Esh- yes
ah tee- no thank you
ta tee- thank you
Gizi- Gramsie
Pop y- Pop2
Nana- Granna

There's many more. Those are the ones I could remember.

She also figured out how to put a DVD in the DVD player. Glad she is no longer shoving DVDs in the VHS player.  If only she could reach the TV! She also knows how to get out the pains. Yikes. C'mon mom remember to close the craft closet door.

Zachary is now asking to have his "usual" for breakfast.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Adelyn is learning to ride her tricycle!  After watching us with our helmets getting her to wear one has not been a big issue.  She's not quite sure about working the petals yet.  Here she is learning!

Anytime I see this scene my camera is in hand pretty quick. I adore these pictures! My dream is to one day play and perform with my children.  Zachary is interested sometimes. Adelyn often ventures over to the piano at least once a day.  It's been interesting seeing how differently they explore with the piano.  Zachary usually tried many keys at once when he was Adelyn's age. She tries one or two notes at a time usually. Sometimes she finds some of the intervals I like to hear. She enjoys babbling the tune to the ABC's ( I know it's this one as opposed to Twinkle Twinkle or Ba Ba Blacksheep....we sing it more often).  Zachary enjoys exploring different instruments too. He definitely loves to sing in the car.  I've used Fabre's series and a puppet to teach Zachary piano.  The puppet has definitely been helpful.  He'd rather learn from it than me. It's amazing to see how little children can learn music at such an early age. 

Whether or not they are interested in pursuing music lifelong, I at least want them to be familiar with this language and have the knowledge.  It's a great combo of math/order and creativity.  I love being able to entertain myself with singing, instruments, or analyzing.  Music really opens up a whole new world of fun!

Monday, February 06, 2012

New Words and Fun Times!

Adelyn has advanced in her speech to using the "ee" sound at the end of words. I'm now Mommy instead of Mama, Scott is Daddy instead of Dada, and a banana is nanee instead of na.

We've been having some fun outside! You can see below!

I LOVE wearing my hat and jacket!

And also my Elmo shirt underneath!

I'm being convinced to attend A&M. 

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Imitating Melodies

As I type I'm listening to our almost two year old hum and babble the tune of the ABCs.  I guess it could also be Twinkle Twinkle or Ba Ba Blacksheep but I actually don't sing those two with her much. She does however, love to push the ABC song button on our Leap Frog Fridge Phonics game on the refrigerator. I remember being surprised to hear children at this age sing melodies.  Some of the children who played with Zachary when they were this age would sing like this. I don't remember Zachary singing melodies that clearly at this age.  I love how they are all different! I guess Adelyn is trying to perfect this song because she  sings it quite frequently throughout the day.  She loves the piano also.  Can't wait until she is interested in lessons!