Sunday, November 06, 2011

Daily Laughs

Zachary's daily experiences and happenings have given me a couple of stories to post about today.  Thinking about them remind me of how much he is learning each day.

A couple of weeks ago I was serving lunch one weekday.  We have learning place mats; one with the ASL alphabet, one with the periodic table, one with musical instruments, and another with the presidents.  Zachary was studying the one in front of him which happened to be the presidents. Zachary knows very well that we live in San Antonio.  He also knows that one of his very good friends moved to the place called Washington.  Zachary looked up and asked me, "Where is San Antonio on here?".  I looked at his place mat and then said, "Well, that place mat has the presidents on there.  It doesn't have the cities or states".  He said, I know but where is San Antonio on here?"  I repeated myself again and finally he said, "Washington is on here, so where is San Antonio?".  I got it. "Oh I see I said.  That is George Washington.  That's his name and the place Meredith lives was named after him.  We didn't have a president named San Antonio.  :)

A couple of nights ago Scott and I were admiring a coloring page that was on Zachary's wall. I hadn't put it up and neither had Scott.  "Zachary did you put this up?" Scott asked.  He answered yes.  I remembered that he had asked me for tape earlier that day and said so.  We both were admiring that he had figured out how to put it up.  Somehow Zachary ended up telling us that the tape didn't work so well.  "So what did you use?" we asked.  "I used a gluestick".  ohhhh. I remembered that he had been trying to put glue on it that day too. I had not seen him actually glue the paper to anything so that was where it had ended up.  "You glued this??" "yes". I tried to pull it off a bit. It was stuck stuck stuck.  Oh wow.  Needless to say, we were both proud of him for using great problem solving skills.  We did though, explain to him that there are other ways to hang things on the wall and that glue doesn't end up working out so well in the end. :)

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