Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No Problem Mom!

Sunday was a start to a not so great week.  The morning was great. It wasn't until I was trying to leave for a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese that I realized I had left my keys under our seat at church.  Church is 20-25 mins away.  Awesome.  We had been watching a lively game of the 49ers vs the Falcons and we needed to leave at about 1/2 time for the party.  Chuck E Cheese was actually on our way to church. I considered dropping Zachary off first but no...I was not up for hauling everyone inside and then having to get back in the car.  So I drove all the way there, retrieved my lost keys, and then hurried the kids back in the car.  We were almost 45 mins late.  We fortunately did not miss the cake, food and presents.  We did have a good rowdy time hanging out and playing games.  Pizza is always good. After the party as we were driving home I asked the kids if they had a good time and also thanked them for being patient with me and apologized for being late.  Zachary said it was okay and then Adelyn piped up with "no problem Mom!"  :) It is so nice to be loved. I am beginning to wonder how often we say that during the day.  

The other day I called Adelyn to see where she was.  "I'm doing my stickers" she told me. Oh ok.  Sounds appropriate enough. She is in the love of sticker phase for sure.  It was only later that both Scott and I realized that she had lined Scott's side of the quilt with stickers.

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