Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Restoring Eyes

Here is a story I forgot to write down. It probably happened back in November or so.  

Zachary got this white bouncy ball  with an eye ball printed on it somewhere...maybe from the treasure chest at school.  We know that bouncy balls are great fun!  He was enjoying it all weekend and brought it with him to church on Sunday which I realized as we were going in.  As we sat down in one of the second rows, I let him know when we sat down that if bounced away then I would have to hold it during Mass.  We had not even gotten to the Gloria, or maybe it was during, but that little ball got away from Zachary at that time.  Our church is round and the floors slants as you go down the isles so that people in the back rows can still see.  The altar is right in the middle of the church at the bottom of course.  The priest and deacon sit in one of the front rows.  So as we are singing that little white eye ball rolled all the way down to the altar.  Oh nice. Let me try to convince myself that this is not embarrassing at all. I was going to wait until the kids were called to the front to go to children's liturgy to go retrieve it but a kind altar server went and got it and then gave it back to us later. 

During the sign of peace, Deacon Gene came to give us peace and then told me that his grandson had a plastic pumpkin once that rolled all the way down from the back row under neath the pews. I had to laugh at that one with him.  

I guess thought the best part of this story is that the gospel reading was about Jesus restoring sight to the blind.   


Meredith L. said...

LOL - that is so funny!!! I love that the gospel was related to sight!

Allison said...

Love it!