Tuesday, February 09, 2010

33 Weeks!

We are now 33 weeks and 7 weeks left till the due date!

Today the appointment went great. I ate all morning long and Adelyn kicked and turned during her non stress test so they could get good readings while I relaxed in the recliner with the monitors strapped to my stomach.

I next got to relax and watch her on the sonogram with the technician who herself was quite amused at Adelyn's constant movements which included her waving her hands in front of her face. It actually looked like she was trying to get them in her mouth.

I'm getting a lot of sono pictures since we are doing these things once a week! Zachary is getting more excited by the day. He says, "I miss Adelyn. I love her". We put the infant seat in my car and he's thrilled that she gets to sit next to him :)


Lauren E said...

yeah!!!! The next few weeks will fly by and she will be here =)

gramsieles said...

I think he wants a "live in" playmate so badly! He's ready for her.