Saturday, January 14, 2012

Uh HUH and Unh Uh

Over Christmas break while we were in Louisiana Adelyn figured out how to verbalize and properly use the words "uh HUH" and "unh uh".  On the first one she really emphasizes the HUH and it sounds like "uh HUUUUUH". She uses them correctly every time. I then realized how much I actually say those words. So we started focusing on the YES and NO. And it has been working. She's now saying "no" or "doh" and "ish" for yes.

Tonight Adelyn shoved 3 books through the bars on her bed before I put her in. She and Zachary both have that habit of reading a few books by themselves in their beds after we read to them in their little reading area. One of the books Adelyn put in was Where's Spot? and on each page Sally is looking for little spot and everyone informs her that he's not there by telling her "no". I watched Adelyn turn a page, say "doh" and turn another page.  I'll post the video sometime. It completely melted my heart.

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