Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2009 Spring Break Trip

My 2009 Spring Break Trip to Opelousas, LA with Mommy's family and Portland, OR with Daddy's Family

In March I had a very busy spring break. It all started on Friday March 6 when Mommy brought me to my friend Meredith's house so she could go pick up our fruits and vegetables from our food group at church. Mrs. Mollie gave me lunch too before Mommy came to pick me up for our long long car ride to The Woodlands where my Gramsie (Gyinny) and Pa pa live. We went home after Mommy picked me up and I helped her unload our food.

We got in the car and started driving. It was so long. I slept at the beginning. Mommy stopped to get me some cookies in the middle of Houston somewhere. We listened to my car songs too. I don't like Mommy to sings songs I don't know or feel like listening to.

Daddy came to meet us at Gramsie and Pa-pa's house that night but I was already asleep when he got there. The next day we went to the Houston Rodeo. I got to ride a pony! I also got to participate in a farmers market for kids. I sold the things I raised on my farm and got a box of juice for it! Mommy and Daddy usually don't let me have juice! It was SO good. We saw lots of animals in a petting zoo. Daddy stayed longer than I did. I also had a blast running up and down a turf slope with other kids. That was the best part I think. I took a nap while some cowboys road bulls and horses. This guy with long hair sang a lot of loud songs after that. Mommy and Daddy kept covering my ears. Something about the decibel level being too loud...I don't know.

The next day we celebrated Pa-pa's birthday with cake and corn bread that I helped Mommy make. Daddy had to drive home and Mommy drove us to Opelousas, LA. We stayed at Ma-ma Becky and Pa-pa Berch 1's house. They have great toys and a swingset in the back. AND they live next door to the Sibley's where I went to play with cousin Blaise and his skateboards. Blaise even gave me a small play skateboard! We ate dinner with Blaise, Cousin Cody, Cousin Brandi, Aunt Amaryllis, and Uncle Mark the first night we were there. For lunch everyday we went to Ma-ma Hazel and Pa-pa Joe's house. Great Charlotte was there too because she lives across the street and she drives Pa-pa Joe around town lately. When I took a nap Mommy did music with him. They have lots of toys too and great movies. While we were in Louisiana I also got to see Avery, Wesley, Aunt Jan, Uncle Ronnie, Cousin Renee, Aunt Liz, Cousin Rebecca, Cousin Jenny, and Uncle Mike, and Cousin Madeleine. I actually let Avery push me in the stroller for the first time. She was delighted.

There was a lot of family we didn't get to see because the cousins were in school. We had to leave Thursday mornining. We drove back to Gramsie and Pa-pa's house. Mommy stopped at McDonald's somewhere in Texas and got me a milkshake. I think she wanted one too. MMMM.

I got to see Pa-pa and Gramsie again. It was very short though. The next morning we got up and drove back to San Antonio. It was pouring down rain! Wow! It hardly ever rains in San Antonio! Maybe I'll be able to use my new rain boots one day! We stopped and got another milk shake but it was too cold and rainy to play on the playground there.

I got to see MORE family that night. Aunt Michelle (I just call her "Sell", it's much easier) and Matthew came to spend the night. Mommy and Sell made a yummy dinner. Mattthew and everyone entertained me. It's great to be a toddler. When I woke up the next morning Uncle Brian (Biny, Byine) was there! We rode in his van to the airport. Mommy and Daddy sure brought a lot of stuff to carry. They should know that I get first priority being carried over a bunch of bags...

I liked the airplanes! I got window seats every time! On the train at the aiport to get to the other side, Daddy let me hold on to the top bar. We took three airplanes. The first one was fun! I slept and watched movies on the second one. I did not like the last one at all. Daddy's computer ran out of battery. I don't know why Mommy wouldn't let me stretch my legs and stand in the seat. I needed some good exercise. The seats were bouncy and that long isle looked perfect but she said no. I did get to sit next to Byine. He showed me some cool games on his rectangle phone. My phone doesn't have games like that! When we got to Portland I had to wait for my seat to ride in the car. It never came so the airport loaned us one for free! And we got to ride in a mini van. I'm persuading Daddy to buy one when his car dies.

We got to the hotel and Granna (Ganna), Pop2 (Pa ta) and Uncle Kevin (Ka-yn) were there. Wow! We ate at a place that sells chickens that night. The next day I met Grappa, Aunt Lea, Uncle Dean, Cousin Danica, Cousin Cambria, and Cousin Grant. Grant rode in the van with us so we could play. We ate lunch, took pictures, and went to target where Pa ta let me sit on a table and drink an Icee.

I didn't feel so great the next day. I was achee and my head was very hot. I got to play at the children's museum with Mommy and Pa ta. I didn't really feel like it when I first got there. The only thing that looked fun was the water exploration. Mommy and Pa ta gave me some liquid and then everything looked fun. I went shopping in the store and got to make the groceries beep too. There was a tree house, a big pit to dig in with trucks, a building site, a train track, and all kinds of stuff. Mommy took me swimming when we got back to the hotel. I watched another baby splash in the water so I did it too. We went in the hot water pool too. That night we ate pizza. I like cheese, bread and tomato sauce, but not altogether so I only ate a little bit. Daddy helped me play games there.

The next day we went to the Science Museum. More fun stuff! A sand box, a water area, a tree with animals to play in, and lots of stuff to explore. There was also some water pipes that Ka-yn helped me build, pipes that sucked balls in them and blew them out somewhere else, and lots of stuff that I could use my hands with. I think I want to pilot an airplane or train one day. We ate at Red Lobster that night. I love their bread! Mommy put a bunch in a box for us.

I think Mommy and Daddy snuck away to the hot water pool while I was sleeping. So that's what I hear. And Mommy was tired sometimes in the morning because she would sneak away to play cards with Sell, Ka-yn and Matta. While we were there Pa ta showed me a neat trick. I got to stand on his hands while he lifted me high in the air. Ganna played with me while Mommy and Daddy did things sometime.

The next day we rode more airplanes. I got the window seat each time again!! What luck! I loved to look out of the window, but I guess I was really tired because I fell asleep before this next picture was taken.

We all went to bed when we got back to San Antonio. Byine left that night but Sell and Matta spent the night again. I had a great spring break. I've been having more fun in San Antonio since we've been back. I can't wait to see family again!

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