Thursday, October 29, 2009


I just love when little kids ask you to sculpt something for them. Especially when it's something way out of your league like an owl or power tools. My owl that I made at my friend Mollie's house turned out to be more like a bat and that was confirmed when she suggested that that's what it looked like. I guess it's at least good that it looked like something with wings instead of a dinosaur or something. Or an abstract design with two circles :)

We have not yet gotten to the stage where I'm being asked to carve shapes and animals in a sandwich. A friend I have here in San Antonio was asked to carve a hamster in a ham sandwich. I hope that day doesn't come :) Zachary's going to be disappointed. I think I can handle the basic, triangle, square, rectangle....rhombus might be pushing it.

On a side note, that pentel brand eraser sure is living up to it's standards of erasing crayon from just about anything. You might want to stock up on that or add it to your registry if you are pregnant :)

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